
The Scandinavian Logic Society

Statement on the war in Ukraine

On behalf of the Scandinavian Logic Society, its Executive Committee joins the international community in condemning the military invasion of Russia in Ukraine, resulting in massive loss of human lives and destruction of residential buildings and civil infrastructure. No national or geopolitical cause can justify such barbaric aggression, leading to enormous humanitarian crisis, of a scale unseen in Europe since World War II. We declare our strong support for the fight of the Ukrainian people to protect their country, and for the Russian citizens and communities who have the courage to raise their voice of protest against the uncivilized and perilous actions of the Russian government. We appeal for immediate termination of the aggression.

Latest news

NOL Seminar with Åsa Hirvonen
NOL Seminar with Nina Gierasimczuk
Tenure track position in Discrete Mathematics, Tampere University (Finland)
NOL Seminar with Eric Pacuit
Associate Senior Lecturer in Logic, Gothenburg (Sweden)


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About the society

The Scandinavian Logic Society is a member of The Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science of The International Union of History and Philosophy of Science. Our aim at present is to develop this website for the purpose of sharing information on all matters related to logic in the Scandinavian countries. We wish the Society to construe the concept of logic as broadly as possible, including the fields computer science, philosophy, mathematics and linguistics.


Executive committee





Members at large



Substitute auditor

Statute of the society
