NLS 2024 Call for participation
published: 2024-03-17
event dates:
The Nordic Logic Summer School (NLS) and Scandinavian Logic Symposium (SLSS) are respectively the Summer School and the Symposium organized by the Scandinavial Logic Society. This year, both events will take place this June 2024 in Reykjavik, Iceland. NLS will take place from June 10 to 13, and SLSS from June 14 to 16.
The intended audience for NLS is advanced master students, PhD-students, postdocs and experienced researchers wishing to learn the state of the art in a particular subject. As usual, this year we have an exciting lineup of five lecturers on a wide spectrum of topics.
- Jandson Ribeiro (Philosophical logic)
- Sandra Kiefer (Learning and logic)
- Miika Hannula (Model theory)
- Greg Restall (Proof theory)
- Rineke Verbrugge (Logic, CS and AI)
For updated information about the summer school and to register, please follow the link: