
The Scandinavian Logic Society

FOMTL 2023: Call for submissions

UPDATE 2023-04-17: Submission deadline extended to April 23.

First-order Modal and Temporal Logics: State of the art and perspectives (FOMTL 2023)
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 7-11 August, 2023

Workshop within the 34th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information ESSLLI 2023
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 31 July - 11 August, 2023,

The workshop will comprise five 90-min sessions, one per day, with invited and contributed talks. It is intended to bring together active researchers in the areas of first-order modal and temporal logics and graduate students interested in these areas, to discuss the state of the art and the most important directions and perspectives for future developments in the areas.

Workshop scope and topics

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following for first-order modal and temporal logics:

Submission instructions

We invite submissions of extended abstracts (2 to 4 pages long) on recent or ongoing research in the scope of the workshop. The submissions should be in PDF format, preferably prepared with LaTeX, and must be done via EasyChair:

Invited Speakers

Workshop Program Committee

Important dates

Registration and local arrangements

All workshop participants, including the presenters, will be required to register for ESSLLI 2023.

Further details and instructions on the registration will be posted in due time on the school website:

Workshop organizers

Further information

Further Information and updates will be posted on the workshop webpage:
