
The Scandinavian Logic Society

NOL Seminar with Juliette Kennedy

The Nordic Online Logic Seminar is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open for professional or aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide. If you wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, please subscribe here: https://listserv.gu.se/sympa/subscribe/nordiclogic.

Next talk: Monday, March 28, 16.00-17.30 CEST (UTC+2), on Zoom (details are provided to the seminar subscribers)

Title: Reading syntax off semantics

Speaker: Juliette Kennedy, Associate professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki

The practice of foundations of mathematics is built around a firm distinction between syntax and semantics. But how stable is this distinction, and is it always the case that semantically presented mathematical objects in the form e.g. of a model class might give rise to a “natural logic”? In this talk I will investigate different scenarios from set and model theory in which an investigation of the notion of an implicit or internal logic or syntax becomes possible. Time permitting we will also discuss the question whether logics without a syntax can be considered logics at all.