DTU Tenure track assistant/associate professor in discrete mathematics, algorithms or logic-based AI
published: 2021-05-04
deadline: 2021-05-15
At the Section for Algorithms, Logic and Graph theory (AlgoLoG) at DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, we are looking for our next Assistant or Associate Professor within Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms or Logic-based Artificial Intelligence. The deadline for applying is 15 May 2021. The full job announcement can be found here:
A description of our research section can be found here: https://www.compute.dtu.dk/english/research/research-sections/algolog. We do research in algorithms, logic and graph theory (as suggested by the title of our section), and how to apply these within artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, human-robot interaction, efficient software for large data sets and more.
Further information can be obtained from the head of section, Paul Fischer (pafi@dtu.dk). I’m myself in particular representing the logic-based AI part of the section, together with Jørgen Villadsen and Nina Gierasimczuk, and you’re also welcome to contact me regarding our activities and interests in that area.
Thomas Bolander